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  • 24 Aug 2021 8:18 AM | Anonymous

    As you’d be aware, there has been a significant escalation in the Covid 19 pandemic around the world. Traveling and gatherings may add risk of exposure to the Covid 19, which can potentially & significantly disrupt our activities at work and life.

    Considering the risk of having the conference is too great to take, the executive committee of ICMRS and Shanghai University has decided to reschedule the 5th ICMR Conference in Shanghai this November to November next year.

    Further announcement of meeting will be made in June 2022.

    Professor Minghao Zheng

    Chair of Scientific Committee

    5th ICMRS conference

  • 22 Feb 2021 1:55 PM | Anonymous

    Dear ICMRS Members and Friends:

    I am pleased to invite you to attend the 2021 ICMRS-ORS Virtual Membership Meeting, which will be held virtually at 8 pm (Eastern Time, US) on February 27, 2021 (Saturday) on Zoom.


    Zoom meeting link will be emailed to members.


    February 27, 2021 (Saturday) 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    2021228日(星期日)北京时间上午9:00 (中国)

    February 28, 2021 (Sunday) 9:00 AM Perth (Australia - Western Australia)

    The meeting will be a great opportunity for members to discuss the activities and functioning of the society, as well as to meet old friends and start new friendships in a pleasant social setting.

    This year we will host a forum on knowledge on translation and outcomes by inviting world-renowned leaders in the field.

    Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, Lee Quo Wei and Lee Yick Hoi Lun Professor of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Click here for Dr. Tuan's short biography.

    Professor Steve Wilton, Director, Perron Institute and Murdoch University, Perth; Click here for Dr. Wilton's short biography.

    In addition, we will hold a traditional Webster Jee Young Investigator Award Ceremony at the meeting to feature scientific accomplishments by our young ICMRS members.

    The following is complete agenda for this meeting:

    8:00 PM   Members check in for the zoom meeting (EST, USA)

    8:05 PM   Welcome, Professor Ming Hao Zheng (Perth)

    8:10 PM   President's Speech, Professor Ling Qin (Philadelphia)

    8:20 PM   Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards Announcement

                  Chaired by Professors Bin Li (Suzhou) and Gang Li  (Hong Kong)

    8:20 PM       Liu, JT -  Age-associated callus senescent cells produce TGF beta1 that inhibits bone fracture healing in aged mice  (7min presentation and 3 min questions)

    8:30 PM       Leilei Zhong - Transient expansion and myofibroblast conversion of marrow adipogenic lineage precursors (MALPs) mediate bone marrow repair after radiation

    8:40 PM      Fei Fang -  Dynamic Transcriptional Profile of Gli1-lineage Enthesis Cells at Single-cell Resolution

    8:50 PM    Wenzheng Wang - Contributions of Modeling- vs. Remodeling-based Bone Formation to an Anabolic Window upon Early Withdrawal from Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) and PTH related Peptide (PTHrP) Treatments

    9:00 PM   Forum on Knowledge impact and translation to outcomes chaired by Professor Minghao Zheng

                     Professor Steve Wilton, Director, Perron Institute and Murdoch University, Perth

    The  molecular drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

                     Professor Rocky S Tuan, Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President

                     Lee Quo Wei and Lee Yick Hoi Lun Professor of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell-based Cartilage Tissue Engineering and microJoint Tissue Chip

                          (Plus: Regenerative Medicine in the New Normal)

    10:30 PM  Discussion

    11:00 PM  Meeting Conclude

    I am looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!
    Sincerely yours,

    Minghao Zheng

    President-Elect of ICMRS

    Chair of 2021 ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting

  • 01 Nov 2020 9:12 AM | Anonymous

    On October 25, 2020, the inauguration ceremony of the Shandong University Qilu Hospital Spine and Spinal Cord Center-International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) Translational Medicine Joint Research Center was held at the general election conference of the basic theory Professional Committee of Shandong Provincial Pain Medical Association and Qilu pain basic research Summit Forum, Jinan, Shandong, China.

    The inauguration ceremony was held by Professor Lei Cheng, chairman of the conference, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Professor Yuguo Chen, President of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, and Professor Jianmin Li, honorary chairman of the conference, director of orthopedics, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University delivered welcome speeches and stressed the importance of combining clinical and basic medicine. Professor Tingting Tang, immediately past president of ICMRS made a speech and expressed expectations for the future of Joint Research Center. Professor Tingting Tang, Professor Yunzhen Chen, director of spine surgery, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Professor Xiaoling Zhang, chairman of ICMRS China Development Committee, Professor Li Bin, chairman of ICMRS Member Committee, Professor Yang Liu, chairman of ICMRS Youth Committee, and Professor Lei Cheng jointly unveiled the joint center.

    At the symposium that followed, ICMRS lifetime member, Professor Chunli Song, Professor Tingting Tang, Professor Bin Li, Professor Xiaoling Zhang, Professor Liu Yang, Professor Ping Zhang gave wonderful academic lecture respectively, showing and communicating the new technology and new progress in basic and clinical research of orthopedic diseases and pain.

    Speech by Professor Lei Cheng, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, chairman of the conference

    The general election conference of the basic theory Professional Committee of Shandong Provincial Pain Medical Association and Qilu pain basic research Summit Forum, October 25, 2020, Jinan, Shandong, China

    Speech by Professor Yuguo Chen, President of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University

    Speech by Professor Jianmin Li, director of orthopedics, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, honorary chairman of the conference.

    Speech by Professor Tingting Tang, Immediately Past President of ICMRS, Ninth Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

    The Inauguration Ceremony of Shandong University Qilu Hospital Spine and Spinal Cord Center-International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society Translational Medicine Joint Research Center

    Lecture by Professor Chunli Song, ICMRS lifetime member, vice president of the Third Hospital of Peking University

    Lecture by Professor Li Bin, Chairman of ICMRS Member Committee, Suzhou Institute of Orthopaedics

    Lecture by Professor Xiaoling Zhang, Chairman of ICMRS China Development Committee, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

    Lecture by Professor Yang Liu, Chairman of ICMRS Youth Committee, Xijing Hospital, Air Force Military Medical University

    Lecture by Professor Zhang Ping, ICMRS lifetime member and joint center director, Tianjin Medical University

  • 04 Oct 2020 12:51 PM | Anonymous

    The year of 2020 is a very special year in history. ICMRS has shown its strength, adaptability and endurance to get all our members together from different continents of the world. It is for the first time that ICMRS has a virtual annual membership meeting. It is very pleased to share with you that our 2020 annual ICMRS-ASBMR membership meeting hold in virtual style was very successful. It was live-streamed to more than 200 participants who attended the meeting.

    This virtual meeting was started by the welcome and opening speech from Professor Minghao Zheng, President-elect and Chair of Program Committee. This year the president elect went to Australia, marking for the first time that President is outside of USA and China. Professors Liming Bian, Xinping Zhang and Weiguo Zou have also been elected as members of Board of Director.  

    The President of the ICMRS, Professor Qin Ling from Philadelphia gave a speech summarizing the activities and progress of the society. Professor Minghao Zheng, new president elect has also given a brief on his vision of the society with focus on strong industrial link, the adaptability in current environment and the support of junior members.


    Webster Jee Young Investigator Award

    ICMRS has received over 30 abstracts for the competitions of annual Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards. Four had been selected for 2020  Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards and the Awardees had given their presentation at the Virtual meeting. The award recipients  Zheng Wang is from Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Wei Yu is from University of Pennsylvania,   Rui Hua is from University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,  and Lingxin Zhu is from University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Each of Winner will receive the award plaque and incentive.

    The final program was a symposium on Forum on Knowledge translation and outcomes. Professor David Findlay (Adelaide) has given an outstanding talk on Good Science, Strong Bones, and the Case of RANKL Discovery while Dr David Ke has given a talk on the Mind Behind Translation of RANKL and Sclerostin to Outcomes. The meeting was concluded at 11 PM.

  • 18 Feb 2020 4:01 PM | Anonymous

    The 2020 Annual ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting was held in Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, on February 8, 2020. The meeting started with a buffet dinner at 7:00 PM.

    The President of the ICMRS, Dr. Ling Qin, delivered the President’s Report. Dr. Qin started her presentation by introducing the ICMRS leadership structure, the Program Committee (Dr. Peter X Ma), Membership Committee (Dr. Bin Li), Communication Committee (Dr. X. Neil Dong), and the China Development Committee (Dr. Xiaoling Zhang). She then acknowledged other leaders, including Chair of Board of Directors (Dr. Yi-Xian Qin), Immediate Past President (Dr. Tingting Tang), Chair of Education Committee (Dr. Jean Jiang), Treasurer (Dr. Sherry Liu), Chair of Women’s Committee (Dr. Liyun Wang), Co-Chairs of Junior Leadership Development Committee (Co-Chairs, Drs. Liu Yang and X. Lucas Lu), Australia and Asian Development Committee (Dr. Jiake Xu), and Europe Development Committee (Dr. Baozhi Yuan).

    Then President Qin focused her presentation on the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. She expressed concerns over the collaboration centers in mainland China and Hong Kong, especially the Orthopedic Hospital of Wuhan Union Hospital. Doctors are overwhelmed with patients and are at great risk of contracting the disease. They are in shortage of medical protective gear for personal protection. Orthopedic doctors are taking care of coronavirus patients at orthopedic hospitals there. Dr. Qin hosted an emergency ICMRS leadership meeting when the news came out, coordinated ICMRS leaders to purchase protective masks and equipment, and managed to ship them to collaboration centers in China. President Ling Qin asked ICMRS members to be united to fight the coronavirus epidemics. If anyone has information about purchasing medical protective gear like N95 respirators and medical surgical masks or want to donate them, please contact ICMRS by email or mail donation to Dr. Xiaoling Zhang, Chair of China Development Committee. 


    Then three Webster Jee Young Investigator Awardees were announced. The award recipients were Elizabeth R. Kahle from Drexel University, Shuangfei Ni from The Johns Hopkins University, and Lutian Yao from University of Pennsylvania. Each winner was presented with an award plaque and a cash prize.

    The final official program was a Science and Technology Forum. Dr. Xu Cao from The Johns Hopkins University gave a presentation entitled “PTH Biology and Therapeutic Development.” Dr. Cao presented a vivid scientific story of PTH by introducing PTH biology from mammal migration from the sea to the land. He then presented data on PTH’s role in disease, regeneration of a variety of tissues, and its new applications treating various orthopedic diseases. The audience asked many questions and triggered many interesting discussions. The Forum ended at about 9:10 PM. Members socialized afterwards until the official closing of the meeting at 9:30 PM.

  • 08 Dec 2019 12:45 PM | Anonymous

    The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) will hold its 2020 ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, on February 8, 2020 during ORS 2020 Annual Meeting. This membership meeting is organized to provide a forum for ICMRS members to exchange information in all frontiers of musculoskeletal research to bridge the knowledge gap between the scholars from different research fields. To recognize the achievements of young ICMRS members, Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards will be presented to the winners at the meeting. The winners will be announced during the membership meeting and each awardee will receive an award certificate/plaque and a cash award. All applicants are asked to attend the meeting because the award will only be given to the attendees. Applicants may find details about ICMRS at http://www.icmrs.net. The program of 2020 ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting will be announced soon.


    ·      Current ICMRS member (for registration: http://www.icmrs.net/join-us)

    ·      First author of accepted ORS abstract for 2020 annual meeting

    ·      Current graduate and/or medical students, postdocs or equivalent, junior faculty members and professionals who received PhD or MD no more than 5 years

    ·      Has not received the award previously

    ·      Applicants are not required to be of Chinese heritage


    The accepted ASBMR abstract in both blind and un-blind formats should be submitted to the following e-mail address: icmrs@icmrs.net, no later than January 3, Friday. All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed in a blind fashion by a review panel appointed by the ICMRS Program Committee. The top scored abstracts will be selected as the winners. As a general rule, no more than one award will be given to the applicants from the same research laboratory/group.

  • 24 Oct 2019 1:27 PM | Anonymous

    The 2019 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting was held in Hyatt Regency Orlando, USA, on September 20, 2019. The meeting started at 7:00 PM with about 80 ICMRS members attended. Dr. Peter X Ma, President-elect and Chair of Program Committee, opened the meeting by welcoming attendees and acknowledging those ICMRS members who contributed to the meeting organization and student volunteers for their help. The President of the ICMRS, Dr. Tingting Tang, gave a speech summarizing the activities and progress of the society during his term of the past two years. Dr. Tang and his leadership team have accomplished a lot and made substantial progress in each of the identified areas needing improvement. The new President, Dr. Ling Qin, gave an inaugural speech to present her vision of the society and the plan for the coming two years.

    Then 3 Webster Jee Young Investigator Awardees were announced. The award recipients were Xiangjiao Yi from the University of Rochester, Jun Ying from Washington University, and Jiayu Wei from Zhejiang University and Brown University. Each winner was presented with an award plaque and a cash prize.

    The final program was a round table discussion on the topic of leadership. Dr. Peter Ma hosted the discussion and six panelists who have significant leadership experience shared their insights centered around what is leadership, how to develop leadership skills, the path to leadership, the responsibilities of leaders, etc. The six panelists were Yi-Xian Qin from Stony Brook University, Edward Guo from Columbia University, Jean Jiang from University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, James H Wang from University of Pittsburgh, Hua Zhu (David) Ke from Angitia Biopharmaceuticals, Linda Ma from Eli Lilly and Company. The meeting was closed at 9:30 PM.

  • 04 Sep 2019 8:47 AM | Anonymous

    The ASBMR 2019 Annual Meeting will be held on September 20-23, 2019 at Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA. On September 20th, 2019 (Friday), the 2019 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting will be held at the Manatee Springs Room of Hyatt Regency Orlando.

    The 2019 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting

    Below is the agenda of the membership meeting. Please see the invitation from Dr. Peter Ma, President-Elect of ICMRS and Chair of 2019 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting for further information (http://www.icmrs.net) Please mark your calendar and be part of this important event!

    ASBMR 2019 Annual Meeting Highlights

    1. Plenary Lectures

    Gerald D. Aurbach Lecture and Profession of Esteemed Awards (Sept 20, 08:30 AM-09:30 AM, Ballroom B-D)

    •       From Genes to Genomes to Biology and Health

    Richard Lifton MD, PhD, Rockefeller University

    Louis V. Avioli Lecture and Lecture and Profession of Esteemed Awards (Sept 21, 08:30 AM-09:30 AM, Valencia Ballroom B-D)

    •       Anabolic Actions of Parathyroid Hormones: Genes, Cells, and Models

    Laurie McCauley DDS, PhD, University of Michigan

    2. Highlights of the ASBMR 2019 Annual Meeting (Sept 20, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM, Valencia Ballroom B-D)

    •       Clinical Science Overview

    John Bilezikian MD, Columbia University

    •       Basic Science Overview

    Lynda Bonewald PhD, Indiana University

    3. Cutting Edge Concepts

    Novel Approaches to Reducing Fractures (Sept 20, 11:45 AM-01:00 PM, W414)

    •       Bone Health TeleECHO

                E. Michael Lewiecki MD, New Mexico Clinical Research & Osteoporosis Center

    •       Implementation Science and the treatment of Osteoporosis

    Ken Saag MD, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

    •       Osteoporosis Medication Adherence: The Holy Grail

    Deborah Gold PhD, Duke University Medical Center

    Role of Immunology in Bone Regeneration (Sept 20, 11:45 AM-01:00 PM, Valencia Ballroom A)

    •       Osteoimmunology and the Role of Mast Cells in Fracture Repair

    Paul Martineau MD, McGill University, Canada

    •       Role of Macrophage, Immunomodulation, Stem Cells and Bone Repair

    Stuart Goodman MD, Stanford University

    •       Rejuvenation in Fracture Repair: It’s All in the Blood

    Benjamin Alman MD, Duke University

    CRISPR Beyond the Mouse (Sept 21, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, W315)

    •       Opportunity and Challenges of Gene Editing (CRISPR/TALEN) in Production Animals

    Charles Long PhD, Texas Veterinary Medical Center

    •       Beyond the Mouse: Practicalities of Using CRISPR to Generate Bone Disease in Osteonal Bone Remodeling Models

    Larry Suva, PhD, Texas Veterinary Medical Center

    Stem Cells in the Skeleton (Sept 22, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, W315)

    •       Periosteal Stem Cells in Skeletal Regeneration

    Celine Colnot PhD, INSERM, France

    •       Skeletal Stem Cells

    Charles Chan PhD, Stanford University

    4. IFMRS Musculoskeletal Knowledge Portal and Artificial Intelligence in Musculoskeletal Medicine (Sept 20, 12:00 PM-01:15 PM, W315)

    •       IFMRS Musculoskeletal Knowledge Portal*

    Noel Burtt PhD, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard

    Douglas Kiel MD, MPH, Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research Hebrew SeniorLife

    • *The Portal in development will aggregate and integrate data and results from large-scale human genetic association studies of musculoskeletal diseases and make them available for query through a public web resource that protects individual level data or patient privacy – attend to learn more!
    •       Artificial Intelligence in Musculoskeletal Medicine

    Costas Bekas PhD, IBM Research, Switzerland

    5. Meet the Award Winner

    • ·      William F. Neuman Award Winner (2018) (Sept 20, 12:00 PM-01:00 PM, W311)
    • Vicki Rosen PhD, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
    • ·      How I Started Looking at the Microbiome and Bone (Sept 21, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, W311)
    • Christopher Hernandez, PhD, Cornell University

    6. Meet the Professor (for 1 hour, on 24 topics including that listed below)

    •       Epigenetics and Stem Cell Aging (Sept 20 12:00 PM, W311G)

    Andre Van Wijnen PhD, Mayo Clinic

    •       Professional Development:  Academic and Industry Career Path Preparation (Sept 20 12:00 PM, W311H)

    Addreas Grauer MD, Amgen, Lorraine Fizpatrick MD, Radius Pharm

    • ·      Sequential Drug Therapy for Osteoporosis (Sept 20 12:00 AM, W312AB, Sept 22 11:00 AM, W312AB)

    Felicia Cosman MD, Columbia University

    • ·      iPS Cells and Organoids as Human Experimental Disease Models (Sept 21, 11:00 AM, W311H)

    Edward Hsiao MD, PhD, University of California, San Francisco

    •       Maintaining Skeletal Health During the Mission to Mars (Sept 21, 11:00 AM, W311D)

    Jean Sibonga PhD, NASA Johnson Space Center, USA

    •       Vitamin D and Immunity (Sept 21, 11:00 AM, W311A)

    John Adams MD, University of California, Los Angeles

    •       Effects of OA on Subchondral Bone (Sept 22, 11:00 AM, W311D)

    Tamara Alliston, PhD, University of California, San Francisco

    •       Targeting Drugs to the Bone (Sept 22, 11:00 AM, W311A)

    Frank Ebetino PhD, University of Rochester, USA

    R Graham Russell MD, PhD, University of Oxford, UK

    7. Networking events

    ASBMR Connect: Networking Breakfast with ASBMR Leaders, NIH Representatives and Senior Investigators* (Sept 20, 06:45 AM, W308).  Advanced registration and separate ticket fee are required.

  • 31 Aug 2019 3:07 PM | Anonymous

    Co-sponsored by the International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS), Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), the University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and South China Biomedical Materials (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., the 4th International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Conference (ICMRC-2019) was held at SUSTech, Shenzhen, China, August 9-12, 2019. The theme of this conference is “Strengthening basic research, Promoting scientific and technological innovation, and Serving the development of Greater Bay Area”. Nearly 700 delegates from all over the world participated in the conference.

    The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Guozhi Xiao, Co-Chairman of the Conference, Dean of Zhicheng College of SUSTech and Director of ICMRS Collaborating Research Center. Professor Xiao first expressed his warm welcome to the experts from all over the world who have long supported the international Chinese orthopaedic research. He said that this conference provided an important platform for a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of the world's medical field. It will play an important role in enhancing academic exchanges, expanding academic horizons, understanding the dynamics of academic circles, and promoting scientific and technological innovation. At the same time, it has effectively created a "one belt, one road" health cooperation platform and broadened the health attributes of the construction and development of Greater Bay Area. He hoped that SUSTech would be able to enhance communication through this platform, seize opportunities and promote cooperation, and make positive contributions to the development of the Greater Bay Area.

    Following that, Professor Changsheng Liu, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Shanghai University, Professor Kunzheng Wang, President-elect of the Chinese Orthopedic Association and Director of the Joint Surgery Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and Professor Dazhi Yang, Director of Spinal Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of SUSTech, delivered opening remarks and congratulate the starting of ICMRC-2019. Finally, Professor Tingting Tang, President of ICMRS, briefly introduced the history and current status of the society as well as previous ICMRCs. On behalf of the society, he thanked all guests and representatives, sponsors, scientific and organizing committees of the conference for their support to the congress.

    More than 90 invited speakers and distinguished scholars attended ICMRC-2019, including Professor Yixian Qin of Stony Brook University, Chair of Board of Directors, ICMRS, Prof. Ling Qin of University of Pennsylvania, President-elect of ICMRS, Professor William W. Lu of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Ling Qin of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor X. Edward Guo of Columbia University and Professor Cao Xu of Johns Hopkins University, Professor James H-C. Wang of University of Pittsburgh, Professor Yongjun Wang of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Dou Dou of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Professor Renny Franceschi and Professor Peter Ma of University of Michigan, Professor Martin Lotz of Scripps Institute, Professor Francis Lee of Yale University, Professor Mattew Greenblatt of Weill Cornell Medical College, and Professor Motomi Enomoto-Iwamoto of University of Maryland.

    During ICMRC-2019, the scholars discussed the important problems faced by orthopaedic diagnosis and treatment and the research direction of orthopaedic related diseases, exchanged their experiences in clinical, basic and translational research of orthopaedics, and provided new ideas for the future development of orthopaedics. The conference included three basic science venues and one clinical venue. The participants discussed the molecular mechanism of skeletal diseases, biomechanics, biomaterials, tissue regeneration, transformational medicine, targeted therapy, skeletal development and aging, joint biology, musculoskeletal diseases and treatment, and the application of new clinical technologies. The conference also conducted competition for Young Investigator Best Paper Awards. A total of 14 oral awards and 14 poster awards were selected (2 first prizes, 4 second prizes and 8 third prizes for each category).

    ICMRC-2019 is another successful international Chinese orthopaedic research event held by ICMRS, following the previous ICMRCs in Suzhou in 2013, Changsha in 2015 and Shihezi in 2017, respectively. The continuous and rapid growth of abstract submissions and registered participants in this series of conferences reflects the continuous expansion of the multidisciplinary team of orthopaedic research in China, and the increasing academic impact of ICMRS. The conference, held at the SUSTech, also demonstrates the school's pragmatic and realistic academic style, opens up new opportunities for the school's foreign cooperation, and will play a positive role in promoting talent introduction and academic influence. Next, ICMRS, as an international platform, will help promote health development of the Greater Bay Area.

  • 11 Feb 2019 8:46 PM | Anonymous

    The 2019 annual ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting was held in Austin on February 2nd, 2019. We have a total of 90 attendees with guests from NIH and JOR. To enhance the social bonding among our members and to better nurture our young investigators, this meeting continue last year’s format of roundtable discussions, by asking the attendees to choose their interested topic and stay at the corresponded table during the entire meeting.

    The meeting started with a President’s Report presented by Dr. Ling Qin, President-elect and Chair of Program Committee, on behalf of current President Dr. Tingting Tang. This report summarizes the progress of our society during Dr. Tang’s presidency in the past one and half years, focusing on committees, membership, communication, education, development in China, and sponsored meetings. New committees have been established to increase the regional diversity of our society and enhance the scientific exchange among our members. They include Australia and Asean Development Committee, Europe Develop Committee, and Scientific Committees, which are subdivided into Bone and Joint Biology, Stem Cells and Regeneration, Biomechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterial and Translational Research. Dr. Qin also announced that our society’s biennial meeting, the 4th International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Conference will be held in Shenzhen, China, on August 9-12, this year and she encouraged our society members to submit abstracts and attend this meeting.

    Following this, Dr. Stuart Goodman from Journal of Orthopaedic Research gave a talk about new developments of JOR and the journal’s outreach to China.

    This meeting was then highlighted by the announcement of Webster Jee Young Investigator Awardees by Dr. Chuanju Liu: Jiahui Hang from Brown University, Yulong Wei from the University of Pennsylvania, and Wenguang Liu from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Each awardee gave a brief introduction about their outstanding research. They were presented with an award plaque and a cash prize of $500 each. 

    The major part of this meeting is a 1-hour panel discussion of Promoting Research Integrity with panelists Drs. Yi-Xian Qin, James Wang, Ed Guo, and Stuart Goodman and Chaired by Dr. Jean Jiang. At the school Dean and department Chair levels, those panelists provided their perception and interpretation about research integrity, ethics, intellectual property, and conflicts of interest/disclosure. Questions from audience regarding specific cases further enhanced this discussion.

    At the end, special thanks go to volunteers from our society who helped to organize this membership meeting: Dr. Wei Yao from UC Davis, Dr. Neil Dong from University of Texas, Dr. Sherry Liu from University of Pennsylvania, and abstract reviewers for Webster Jee Young Investigator Award.

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