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  • 24 Oct 2023 9:51 AM | Ling Qin (Administrator)

    ASBMR 2023 Louis V. Avioli Founders Award Recipient

    Fanxin Long, Ph.D.                       

    Professor and William Wikoff Smith Endowed Chair in Pediatric Genomic Research

    The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

    and the University of Pennsylvania, USA

    Fellow of ASBMR 2023   


    Hong-Wen Deng, Ph.D.               

    Professor, Aron Family Endowed Chair.

    Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics & Genomics,

    Tulane University, USA  


    Han Jiao*                         Hebei Medical University              2023 ASBMR President's Award

    Donghao Gan                  Southern Univ of Sci & Tech              2023 ASBMR Young Investigator Award

    Jiawei Lu                          University of Pennsylvania              2023 ASBMR Young Investigator Award
    Rui Hua, Ph.D.                 Univ. of Texas Health Sci Ctr              2023 ASBMR Young Investigator Award

    Jiekang Wang*                Johns Hopkins University              2023 ASBMR Young Investigator Award

    Yongli Qin                        HSS and Cornell Univ                    2023 ASBMR Young Investigator Award

    Qiwen Li, DMD, Ph.D     Sichuan University                        2023 ASBMR Young Investigator Award

    *Recipients of the 2023 Fall ICMRS Webster Jee Young Investigator Award.

    Member Gathering

    Organized by the ICMRS Woman leadership committee chair Prof. Liyun Wang, about 50 ICMRS members who attended the ASBMR 2023 annual meeting gathered at the Victoria Chinese Restaurant in Vancouver to celebrate the accomplishments made by ICMRS and its members. The ICMRS president, Prof. Guozhi Xiao, conveyed his virtual greetings and congratulations to the attendees, particularly ICMRS women scientists, who have made tremendous contributions to our community.

    (By Liyun Wang and Wentian Yang)

  • 24 Oct 2023 9:38 AM | Ling Qin (Administrator)

    The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) convened its 2023 Fall Membership Meeting virtually on October 8, 2023, led by Dr. Wentian Yang, Chair of the ICMRS Program Committee and faculty member at Brown University Alpert Medical School. Dr. Yang initiated the session with a warm welcome to the ICMRS community.

    To commence, Professor Minghao Zheng, the immediate past president of ICMRS and a faculty member at the University of Western Australia, provided a brief overview of the society's achievements over the past two years. Under his leadership, ICMRS witnessed steady growth in revenue and membership, now boasting 685 members and 41 collaborative centers worldwide. New award categories were established to honor members' academic and leadership accomplishments, and the ICMRS-Oxford translation meeting in musculoskeletal research was successfully organized. Professor Zheng also outlined future challenges for ICMRS.

    Following this, Dr. Guozhi Xiao, the newly elected President of ICMRS and a professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUST), delivered his inaugural speech. Dr. Xiao shared his aspirations for the community and articulated his vision for ICMRS in the coming years. He introduced his leadership team and committee chairs.

    The event proceeded with the traditional Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards ceremony and keynote seminars. Professor Jerry Feng from Texas A&M announced the award winners, each of whom—Han Jiao (Hebei Medical University), Jiekang Wang (Johns Hopkins University), Jingruo Zhang (University of Texas Health Science Center), Tailin He (Southern University of Science and Technology), and Hao Zhou (Zhejiang University School of Medicine)—delivered brief presentations on their award-winning discoveries. They each received a $500 prize and a plaque. Professor Mone Zaidi from Icahn Sinai School of Medicine in New York presented a captivating lecture on "Pituitary Crosstalk Between Bone, Body Fat, and Brain." Additionally, Professor Veronique Lefebvre from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania shared recent findings on "SOXC Are Critical Regulators of Adult Bone Mass."

    The Fall ICMRS membership meeting also featured updates from three editors, Professors Hui Yang, Yixian Qin, and Gang Li, who discussed the three ICMRS-sponsored journals: Bone Research, Mechanobiology in Medicine, and Journal of Orthopedic Translation.

    The meeting achieved great success with over 326 attendees, including ICMRS members and non-member guests worldwide.

    (By Dr. Jiahui Huang)

  • 25 Aug 2023 8:28 AM | Bingyun Li

    ICMRS W J Young Investigator Award Abstract Submission Guidelines:

    • Write your abstract in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman.  A template is available below to create your abstract.
    • Be sure that all text (including title, authors, institutions, and abstract body) fits onto one page, with an abstract body of no more than a 2500-character limit.
    • No figures are allowed for abstract submission this time.
    • Once you have the one-page abstract, convert it into two PDF files (blind and un-blind formats) and complete the online submission.

    Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

    Abstract Template Title

    Kenton Lewis1, Thomas B. Siegel1, 2, Koji L. Fujii1, Deepak Kumar2

    1University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

    Email of Presenting Author

    Abstract body using the following format:  abstract information must not appear on or outside the margins. Abstracts must be created in a Word document formatted to 8.5” x 11” (21.59cm x 27.94cm) with the following margin settings:  1 inch for all sides. Font should be 12 points for the Title and 11 points for all authors, institutions, and body sections. Times New Roman is the only font approved for use.

    Abstract Body (no more than 2500 characters)

    (Remember to save abstracts as a PDF before uploading to the submission site.)

    Abstracts should fit 1 page.

  • 25 Aug 2023 8:25 AM | Bingyun Li


    The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) will virtually launch the 2023 Fall Membership Meeting on October 8th (Beijing Time). This meeting provides a platform for ICMRS members to exchange information on all frontiers of musculoskeletal research and integrate knowledge from diverse research specialties. In an endeavor to enrich the discussion, we will host two keynote talks presented by internationally renowned scientists. In addition, we will also present the Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards to recognize the academic achievements of young ICMRS members. The award recipients will be announced during the membership meeting. Each awardee will receive a certificate/plaque, an honorarium of 500 USD, and is required to give a short presentation about their work online. The 2023 Fall ICMRS Membership Meeting program will be announced soon.

    Applicants may find more details about the ICMRS at http://www.icmrs.net.

    Eligibility for Webster Jee Young Investigator Award:

    • Current ICMRS member (to register: http://www.icmrs.net/join-us)
    • Current graduate and/or medical student, post-doc or equivalent, junior faculty and professionals who received Ph.D. or MD for no more than 5 years.
    • Has not received the award previously.
    • Applicants are not required to be of Chinese heritage.


    Please prepare your abstract for the ICMRS WJ Young Investigator application by following the instructions posted at our website. Your abstract, in both blind and un-blind formats, should be submitted via the following e-mail address: icmrs@icmrs.net, no later than September 5th, 2023. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed blindly by a panel appointed by the ICMRS Program Committee. The top-scored abstracts will be selected as the awardee. As a general rule, no more than one award will be given to applicants from the same research laboratory/group/institution in the same awarding cycle.

  • 20 Mar 2023 9:54 AM | Jiawei Lu

    The annual ICMRS Membership Zoom Meeting was held online on Feburary 25, 2023. Professor Guozhi Xiao, the Program Committee Chair and President-Elect of ICMRS from Southern University of Science and Technology organized and presided over the meeting. Dr. Minghao Zheng, ICMRS president and professor of the University of Western Australia gave a brief summary on the current state of ICMRS and the society’s progresses during the last year under his leadership.

    As a tradition, the membership meeting was highlighted by the Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards session. This year’s winners are Drs. Yuantao Zhang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Mingyue Fan (Drexel University), Jiawei Lu (University of Pennsylvania), Yiyang Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Donghao Gan (Southern University of Science and Technology) and Bryan Kwok (Drexel University). A cash prize of $500 and an award plaque will be given to each awardee shortly after the meeting.

    This year’s membership meeting has invited two keynote speakers. Dr. Richard Oreffo, Professor in Musculoskeletal Science from the University of Southampton presented a highly exciting talk entitled “New approaches to skeletal cell-based bone regeneration from bench to clinic”. Dr. Ling Qin, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, the University of Pennsylvania, presented her recent scientific findings entitled “Single-cell profiling of skeletal progenitors”.

    This meeting has achieved a great success with about 300 ICMRS members and guests attended the meeting. by Dr. Guozhi Xiao

  • 28 Feb 2023 8:39 PM | Jiawei Lu

    Dear ICMRS Members,

    Happy New Year 2023!

    As the new year begins, ICMRS is proud to announce five new award opportunities with honorarium. These awards are aimed to recognize the research excellency and outstanding service of our members:

    a) Lifetime Achievement Award 

    b) Distinguished Clinical Investigator Award

    c) Distinguished Translational Research Investigator Award

    d) Distinguished Basic Science Research Investigator Award

    e) Service Medal

    Click ICMRS Awards2023.pdf for more information and nomination instructions on each award. All ICMRS members are eligible to receive an award, except as restricted by specific award criteria. The nomination package should be submitted to the Chair of Nomination Committee (qinling@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) before the deadline Sunday, April 30, 2023 (midnight, US EST). We will announce the final awardees and celebrated their achievements in 2023 ICMRS Fall Membership Meeting!

    ICMRS Nomination Committee

  • 31 Dec 2022 12:11 PM | Bingyun Li

    Dear members of ICMRS,

    2022 has been a remarkable year for ICMRS.  We would like to begin this note by saying the global musculoskeletal research could not have made such significant progress without the hard work from you.  

    Since our inception, ICMRS has had a clear mission to advance the global musculoskeletal research agenda through excellence in education, research collaboration, and networking. A look back at 2022, our members have made outstanding contribution to the research of musculoskeletal research from different continents in the world. Notably, a remarkable study (Chen et al) published in Nature led by Professors Shunwu Fan and Xianfeng Lin from our ICMRS centre at the Sun Run-Run Shown Hospital at Zhejiang University, which made an international news headline. The team has done crossing species transfer of plant derived sacs known as thylakoids into animal and human cells. Delivering chondrocyte membrane coated nano-thylakoids into the osteoarthritic mouse knee joints slowed down cartilage degeneration after light activation. The team reported for the first time, scientists can use light to synthesis ATP in human and animal cells and cure disease.

    During 2022, ICMRSI has improved the financial situation significantly. We have increased our revenue by over $66k. We have now established new research awards including  a) Lifetime Achievement Award,  b) Distinguished Clinical Investigator Award, c) Distinguished Translational Research Investigator Award,  d) Distinguished Basic Science Research Investigator Award. E) ICMRS Service Medals. Announcement for call of award nomination has been made by the nomination committee in December for the deadline in April 2023.  Our membership has increased 11.5% to 709 members.  ICMRS had European chapter at the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Society meeting in Edinburgh and Asia-Pacific Chapter in Australia this year. Two more collaborative centres were established this year, reaching a total of 38 collaborative centres in China. In August 2023, we will have ICMRS centre retreats at Oxford, UK during the meeting of ICMRS Translational medicine in MSK diseases.  We have given over 20 online lectures this year with focus of promoting young investigators. ICMRS wechat public media has attracted more than 4000 followers internationally.  With the great influence an impact on MSK research by our society, we will organise the  International MSK submit 2023 in Broome, Australia on July 2023.  Our society official journals Bone Research and Journal of Orthopaedic Translation continue to lead musculoskeletal research.

    Here we like to take an opportunity to thank you all. You are the member of the ICMRS family and have made important contributions to the society.  Our special thanks go to our sponsor Lancet Robotics- Mr. Zhijun Hang and Kun Xian and the ICMRS leadership team -Professors Qing Jiang, Bin Li, Bingyun Li, Qin Ling, Sherry Liu Yang Liu, Guozhi Xiao, Xiaoling Zhang, Xinping Zhang.

    At the moment of 2023 cerebration, may warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. May love, safe and prosperity follow you always.

    Professor Minghao Zheng                                                         

    President of ICMRS                                                                        

    The University of Western Australia                                          

    Professor Jean Jiang

    Board of Director, ICMRS

    University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

  • 02 Oct 2022 2:28 PM | Jiawei Lu

    The annual ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Zoom Meeting was held online on September 24, 2022. Professor Guozhi Xiao, the Program Committee Chair and President-Elect of ICMRS from Southern University of Science and Technology organized and presided over the meeting. He started by welcoming all ICMRS members, distinguished professors, and non-member guests to attend the meeting.

    Dr. Minghao Zheng,  ICMRS president and professor of the University of Western Australia gave a summary report on the current state of ICMRS and the society’s progresses in the last year under his leadership. Thanks to the hard work of the ICMRS Executive Committee, his team has achieved the initially set goals, including the increase of revenue and establishment of new research awards, expansion of ICMRS membership (709 members) and collaborative centers (38 centers), and growing impact of ICMRS WeChat public media (more than 4000 followers).

    As a tradition, the membership meeting was highlighted by the Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards session. This year’s winners are Peng Liao from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital, Mingjue Chen from Southern University of Science and Technology, Delin Liu from The University of Western Australia, Jun Sun from Weill Cornell Medicine, and Baohong Shi from Xiamen University. A cash prize of $500 and an award plaque will be given to each awardee shortly after the meeting.

    This year’s membership meeting has invited two keynote speakers. Dr. Natalie A. Sims from St. Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research and The University of Melbourne provided a highly fascinating presentation entitled “Using mouse models to understand cortical bone development and degeneration”. Dr. Qing Jiang, the Director and Professor of the center of Diagnosis and Treatment for Joint Disease, Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Medical School of Nanjing University, presented recent scientific findings from his laboratory titled “Defects in a liver-bone axis contribute to hepatic osteodystrophy disease progression”.

    This meeting has achieved a great success with more than 320 ICMRS members and guests attended the meeting. Here are some screenshots of the meeting moments.

    by Dr. Rui Hua

  • 10 Aug 2022 6:36 PM | Jiawei Lu

    2022 Australia and ASEAN Development Committee membership meeting of The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) was held at Gold Coast, Queensland - 2 August 2022. The members were welcomed by Prof. Jiake Xu, the committee Chair, together with lifetime members of ICMRS, Prof. Ming-hao Zheng, Prof. Hong Zhou, Prof. Yin Xiao, and Prof. Rachel Li. This meeting was highlighted by a speech by Professor Ming-hao Zheng, the current president of ICMRS, sharing the history and goals of ICMRS. Prof. Hong Zhou (Ex-chair of the Board of Directors) and Prof. Rachel Li also shared their experience with ICMRS and their scientific career achievements, exemplifying female scientists in the field. Prof. Yin Xiao also delivered a speech about his recent work and his job in a new institute. Congratulations to Prof. Yin Xiao who has recently become a distinguished Professor at Griffith University, at Gold Coast, Queensland. Thanks to Prof. Yin Xiao who contributed to the local organization of this meeting, including the selection of a very nice local cuisine. Special guests include Prof. Peter Lee from the University of Melbourne and Ph D student Eugenie Macfarlane from the University of Sydney. We appreciate the professional photos taken by Prof. David Haynes. The meeting was organised by the Australia and ASEAN Development Committee Chair, Prof. Jiake Xu. The gathering was a very happy occasion to meet many friends face to face alongside the beautiful beach of the Gold Coast.

  • 11 Jan 2022 8:39 AM | Bingyun Li

    Dear Colleagues:

    On the occasion of New Year 2022, my best wish to our members of ICMRS is that may prosperity and success come to you. May you win more research grants and publish more papers in prestigious journals.  

    Looking back to year 2021, we all have experienced the relentless changes in our global community. In spite of Covid 19 pandemic has disrupted our lives, we have demonstrated our resilience and developed many innovative ideals for engagement with our members throughout the year. ICMRS, has run more than 20 global webinars and two regular membership meetings this year. The attendance rate of the on-line meetings has been always very high ranged between 150 to 300 members.  In year 2021 ICMRS has developed from strength to strength and has increased membership to over 600 members today.  Our society official journals have now become top ranking journals in the field of musculoskeletal research. Bone research has reached impact factor of 13.567 and Journal of Orthopaedic Translation has impact factor of 5.191. For the first time ICMRS has run virtual celebration of new year and holiday break. The performances and shows from our members at the celebration were increasable. Here I like to take an opportunity to thank you all. You are the member of the ICMRS family and have made positive contributions to the society.

    Looking forward to year 2022, I am optimistic that the pandemics will have far less impact on our live.  To improve our engagement with members and with our ICMRS collaborative centres in China, I would like to share our three key initiatives with you in the new year

    • 1)     ICMRS has invested significant resources and is now in process to establish several awards to recognise the great achievements made by our members for their scientific research and services to the ICMRS community. There will be an career achievement for members in recognition of their life long career achievements in basic research, translational research and/or clinical research, a mid-career research excellent award for our mid-career members aged below 50 and have completed their highest degree for more than 10 years, and ICMRS Community Service Medals to recognise long and diligent service by members to the society.
    • 2)     We will continue to run year-round virtual seminars and introduction of education workshop run by the ICMRS collaborative centres in China. To encourage better engagement, the board has implemented bilingual presentations for the virtual seminars and workshops. Our membership meetings have changed being Spring and Summer membership meetings and will continue engagement with ORS and ASBMR annual meetings. 
    • 3)     With the uncertainty of pandemic, we hope that the 5th ICMR Conference will be held in Shanghai in November 2022. 

    Finally, May warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a happy New Year. May love, safe and prosperity follow you always.

    Professor Minghao Zheng, MD, PhD, FRCPath FRCPA

    President of ICMRS

    Medical School, The University of Western Australia


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