ICMRS W J Young Investigator Award Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- Write your abstract in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman. A template is available below to create your abstract.
- Be sure that all text (including title, authors, institutions, and abstract body) fits onto one page, with an abstract body of no more than a 2500-character limit.
- No figures are allowed for abstract submission this time.
- Once you have the one-page abstract, convert it into two PDF files (blind and un-blind formats) and complete the online submission.
Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023
Abstract Template Title
Kenton Lewis1, Thomas B. Siegel1, 2, Koji L. Fujii1, Deepak Kumar2
1University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Email of Presenting Author
Abstract body using the following format: abstract information must not appear on or outside the margins. Abstracts must be created in a Word document formatted to 8.5” x 11” (21.59cm x 27.94cm) with the following margin settings: 1 inch for all sides. Font should be 12 points for the Title and 11 points for all authors, institutions, and body sections. Times New Roman is the only font approved for use.
Abstract Body (no more than 2500 characters)
(Remember to save abstracts as a PDF before uploading to the submission site.)
Abstracts should fit 1 page.