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  • 29 May 2018 10:08 AM | Anonymous

    The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) hold its 2018 ICMRS-OTR Membership Meeting during the 12th International Congress on Orthopaedic Advanced Technique and Clinical Translational Research (OTR) in Shanghai, China on May 4th, 2018. To recognize the achievement of young ICMRS members, 2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Paper/ Poster Awards were presented to the winners at the meeting. All winners were announced at the opening ceremony of the congress and every winner received a certificate and cash award.

    All submitted abstracts were blind peer reviewed by a review panel appointed by the ICMRS Program Committee. The top scored 20 abstracts for oral presentations and 30 for posters were selected for the final competition in Shanghai on May 4th, 2018. After competition, 12 young investigators stood out as Best Paper / Poster Awardees.

    At the end of the opening ceremony of OTR, the ceremony was highlighted by the announcement of 2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Paper Award/ Best Poster Award by prof. Ling Qin. The award ceremony was hold and addressed by president of ICMRS, Prof. Tingting Tang.

    Award winners:

    2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Paper Award

    First prize: Chao Deng

    Second prize: Ren Xu, Jiankun Xu

    Third prize: Wenxue Tong, Xianding Sun, Lin Wang

    2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Poster Award

    First prize: Xiaolong Xu

    Second prize: Genglei Chu, Linyang Chu

    Third prize: Liangliang Huang, Gen Wang, Pinghui Zhou

  • 27 May 2018 9:33 PM | Anonymous

    The Orthopaedic Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital- ICMRS Collaborating Center for Orthopaedic Translational Research (上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科–国际华人骨研学会转化医学联合研究中心) was officially established in Shanghai on May 6, 2018. Prof. Tingting Tang, ICMRS President, Prof. Yixian Qin, Chair of Board of Directors, Prof. Ling Qin (USA), President-elect and Chair of Program Committee, Prof. Peng Shang, Chair of Membership Committee, and Prof. Bin Li, Chair of China Development Committee, Prof. Jiake Xu, Chair of Australia and Asean Development Committee, attended the opening ceremony on behalf of the society.

    Group photo.

    Prof. Yimin Chai, delivered a welcome remark on behalf of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital. Prof. Tingting Tang delivered a speech on behalf of ICMRS and expressed the expectation of collaboration between ICMRS and the hospital.

    Following the opening ceremony, Prof. Cunyi Fan, Director of the collaborating center, hosted a symposium, in which six distinguished representatives from ICMRS delivered invited speeches.

    Grand opening of the Orthopaedic Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital - ICMRS Collaborating Center for Orthopaedic Translational Research.

    Prof. Shengchang Liu, East China University of Science and Technology.

    Prof. Hong Zhou, University of Sydney.

    Prof. Yixian Qin, Stony Brook University.

    Prof. Peng Shang, Northwestern Polytechnical University.

    Prof. Xiaochun Bai, Southern Medical University.

    Prof. Xiaoling Zhang, Shanghai Jiaotong University.

  • 22 May 2018 3:24 PM | Anonymous

    The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT)- International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) Collaborating Center for Translational Medicine Research (中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院-国际华人骨研学会转化医学联合研究中心) was officially established in Shenzhen on April 14, 2018. Prof. Tingting Tang, ICMRS President, Prof. Peng Shang, Chair of Membership Committee, and Prof. Bin Li, Chair of China Development Committee, attended the opening ceremony on behalf of the society.

    Prof. Ling Qin, director of the Translational Medicine Research and Development Center (TMC) of SIAT, delivered an opening remark. Then Dr. Yuxiao Lai, TMC executive director, introduced TMC and the background and vision of the establishment of the collaborating center in detail. Following that, Prof. Tingting Tang, Dr. Hairong Zheng, vice president of SIAT, Mr. Bin Liu, Minister of National Food and Drug Supervision and Administration of Medical Instrument Technical Review Center, delivered talks respectively. They all agree that the collaborating center will function to integrate domestic and foreign scientific research resources and will provide strong support for the development of SIAT by promoting basic orthopedic research and clinical translation.

    After the opening ceremony, the TMC held a seminar which focused on 3D printing technology and clinical applications in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao areas.

    Prof. Ling Qin delivered an opening remark.

    Prof. Tingting Tang congratulated on the establishment of SIAT-ICMRS Collaborating Center on behalf of ICMRS.

    Opening ceremony of SIAT-ICMRS Collaborating Center for Translational Medicine Research.

    Group photo.

    Group photo.

  • 16 Apr 2018 9:46 AM | Anonymous


    May 4th (Friday), 2018

    Room D, Shanghai Everbright Int’l Hotel


    18:00 Registration and Dinner

    18:30-19:30 Invited speech and free discussions, Modulator: Dr.Peng Shang

    18:30-18:40 Introductions of ICMRS, Dr.Tingting Tang

    18:40-19:00 Strategy for preparing high impact papers, Dr. Xu Cao

    19:00-19:30 Free Discussions on paper writing, grant application and collaborations

    19:30 Meeting Adjourns

    2018 上海国际骨科前沿技术与临床转化学术会议(OTR)






    18:00 注册及晚餐 (商澎 教授,ICMRS会员委员会主席,西北工业大学)

    18:30 -18:40 ICMRS学会介绍 (汤亭亭 教授,ICMRS主席,上海交通大学)

    18:40 -19:00 高影响论文的写作策略(Xu Cao 教授,美国John Hopkins 大学)

    19:00 -19:30 关于合作,文章发表和基金申报等话题的自由讨论




  • 08 Apr 2018 9:22 PM | Xuanliang Dong

    Dear ICMRS members and Friends,

    With a great sadness, we want to let you know that our beloved past-president Professor Webster S.S. Jee passed away peacefully in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, with his son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and other family members, students and friends in his bed side at 3:15 am on April 3rd, 2018.  Professor Jee was 92-year-old. Our deepest condolences go to Professor Jee’s family and friends.

    Professor Jee will be forever remembered by all of us as an inspirationalscientist, a great mentor, a great friend, and most importantly a great person. Many of us had been benefited from Professor Jee’s mentorship and support for our scientific career as well as our personal life. Professor Jee was one of the founding member and had been the most dedicated champion of ICHTS/ICMRS since its establishment in 1994. Because of his many contributions, strong commitment and leadership, our society dedicated the “Webster Jee Young Investigator’s Award” in his honor. Professor Jee’s legacy with ICMRS will live on among us.

    Professor Jee’s family has decided to hold a Celebration of Life Banquet to celebrate his successful and wonderful life for almost 93 years on Saturday, April 28th, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some of the past-presidents of ICMRS will be participating to honor Professor Jee. If you are interested to join or need more information, please contact David Ke at davidke@yahoo.com.

    ICMRS Leadership

    April 8th, 2018

    Photo below: Professor Web Jee were with some of the past-presidents and Chairpersons of the BOD of ICMRS in September 2016.

  • 21 Mar 2018 10:59 AM | Anonymous


    2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Paper/Poster Award                             

    Shanghai Everbright Convention, May 4th, 2018

    The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) will hold the 2018 ICMRS-OTR Membership Meeting during the 12th International Congress on Orthopaedic Advanced Technique and Clinical Translational Research (OTR) in Shanghai, China on May 4th, 2018. To recognize the achievement of young ICMRS members, 2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Paper Award & 2018 ICMRS Young Investigator Best Poster Award will be presented to the winners at the meeting. The winners will be announced at the opening ceremony of the Congress and every winner will receive a certificate/plaque and cash award.


    l  Applicants must be active ICMRS members (membership enrollment: http://www.icmrs.net/join-us) and register for the OTR Congress.

    l  Graduate and/or medical students, post-docs or equivalent, junior faculty and professionals who are within 5 years of completing their final degrees may apply.

    l  Applicants should hold an academic rank no greater than assistant professor.

    l  Applicants do not necessarily to be of Chinese heritage.


    The abstract should be edited using the format shown in the attached Application Form and submitted to icmrs@icmrs.net by April 7, 2018. All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed in blind fashion by a review panel appointed by the ICMRS Executive Committee. Twenty oral abstracts and thirty poster abstracts will be shortlisted for the final competition on May 4th, 2018.  


    Tel.: 021-52668178; Email: realexpo@sh163.net.

    Early registration: 700 RMB before April 15th.

    This message was sent by ICMRS (International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society). You can UNSUBSCRIBE from future mailings.

  • 15 Mar 2018 3:55 PM | Anonymous

    The 2018 annual ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting was held in New Orleans on March 10, 2018. We have a total of 110 attendees with some eminent guests. To enhance the social bonding among our members and to better nurture our young investigators, this meeting adopted a new format, roundtable discussions, by asking the attendees to choose their interested topic during online registration and stay at the corresponded table during the entire meeting. Each table was led by 2-4 discussion leaders volunteered by the lifetime members of our society and NIH officials.

    The meeting started with a Welcome Message from Dr. Ling Qin, President-elect and Chair of Program Committee, by acknowledging those ICMRS members who help to organize this meeting and introducing the new meeting format. Following that, Dr. Tingting Tang gave a Presidential Speech summarizing the progress of our society since his inauguration last year and his future plan in the next year, focusing on leadership and committees, membership recruitment, communications, regional development, journals, and fundraising. Our society has steadily grown in the past several years, now reaching more than 500 members and a total of 29 collaborating centers in China. In the past several months, we have established several regional development committees. We aim to form the scientific committee in the near future. Anyone who is interested in contributing to this committee and others, please contact our society directly (www.icmrs.net).

    This meeting was then highlighted by the announcement of Webster Jee Young Investigator Awardees: Mengxi Lv from the University of Delaware, Luqiang Wang from the University of Pennsylvania, and Aubryanna Hettinghouse from New York University Medical Center. Each awardee gave a brief introduction about their outstanding research. They were presented with an award plaque and a cash prize of $500 each.


    The following roundtable discussions were set in 10 tables, each with a distinct topic ranging from career development, publication, grant application, to musculoskeletal biology and engineering. With 24 experts from their respective areas and 4 NIH officials (Program Director and Scientific Review Officials), these discussions were actively carried out for an hour with some tables that lasted beyond the meeting closing time.


    At the end, a surprise guest, Dr. Savio Woo, a member of both the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering, gave a closing remark by urging young investigators to pursue the best science in their career.

  • 02 Jan 2018 8:38 AM | Anonymous

    The International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS) will hold its 2018 ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting at New Orleans, LA, USA on Saturday, March 10th, 2018. The meeting is organized to provide a forum for ICMRS members to exchange the information in all frontiers of musculoskeletal research to bridge the knowledge gap between the scholars from different research fields. To recognize the achievement of young ICMRS members, three Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards will be presented to the winners at the meeting. The winners will be announced during the membership meeting and each awardee will receive an award certificate/plaque and a cash award of $500. All applicants are required to attend the meeting because the award will only be given to the attendees. The program of 2018 ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting will be announced soon.


    l  Current ICMRS member (for registration: http://www.icmrs.net/join-us)

    l  First author of accepted ORS abstract for 2018 annual meeting

    l  Current graduate and/or medical student, post-doc or equivalent, junior faculty  

    and professionals who received PhD or MD no more than 5 years

    l  Has not received the award previously

    l  Applicants are not required to be of Chinese heritage


    The accepted ICMRS abstract in both blind and un-blind ORS abstract formats should be submitted to the following e-mail address: icmrs@icmrs.net, no later than January 31st. The size of attached documents should be smaller than 10 MB. All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed in blind fashion by a review panel appointed by the ICMRS Program Committee. The top scored abstracts will be selected as the winners. As a general rule, no more than one award will be given to the applicants from the same research laboratory/group.

  • 12 Sep 2017 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    The 2017 annual ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting was held in Denver on September 8, 2017.   A total of 78 active ICMRS members attended this meeting. Earlier this year, our society conducted an election to vote for President-elect, officers, and board members (election results are listed below). Therefore, this meeting marks an important transition of our leadership team. Dr. Ling Qin, the outgoing Membership Committee Chair and new President-Elect, presided over the meeting. The meeting started with a summary report from the departing president Dr. James Wang on the achievements of ICMRS under his leadership over the past two years (2015-2017), including revamping ICMRS website, implementing membership reform, establishing Mentorship Program, enhancing educational services, expanding China Collaborating Centers, and improving the financial status. He also highlighted our society’s official meeting, the 3rd International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Conference (ICMRC), which was successfully held in Shihezi, China, last month.

    Following Dr. Wang’s report, our new President, Dr. Tingting Tang, gave an inaugural address introducing his new leadership team members and outlining his strategies of expanding our society within the next 2 years. One major move is to create two new regional development committees: Australia and Asean Development Committee and Europe Development Committee. Another focus is to launch Scientific Committees that promote research excellence and collaboration among members.

    Dr. Qin, the President-Elect, introduced herself as a long-term society member, briefly covered the society history, and requested continuous support from our members.

    This meeting was highlighted by the announcement of Webster Jee Young Investigator Awardees: Ren Xu from Cornell University, Jun Li from Rush University, and Wei-Ju Tseng form the University of Pennsylvania. Each awardee gave a brief introduction about their outstanding research. They were presented with an award plaque and a cash prize of $500 each.


    2017 Newly Elected and Appointed ICMRS Officers:

    President-elect:  Ling Qin, USA

    Chair of Membership Committee: Peng Shang, China

    Chair of Communication Committee: Neil Dong, USA

    Chair of China Development Committee: Bin Li, China

    Chair of Education Committee: Herb Sun, USA

    Chair of Australia and Asean development committee: Jiake Xu, Australia

    Chair of Women's Committee: Liyun Wang, USA

    Co-chairs of Junior Leadership Development Committee: Liu Yang, China and Lucas Lu, USA

    Treasure: Sherry Liu, USA


    2017 Newly elected ICMRS board members:

    Wei Yao, USA

    Wentian Yang, USA

    Jean Jiang, USA

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