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2021 ICMRS-ORS Virtual Membership Meeting

  • 27 Feb 2021
  • 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Virtual

Dear ICMRS Members and Friends:

I am pleased to invite you to attend the 2021 ICMRS-ORS Virtual Membership Meeting, which will be held virtually at 8 pm (Eastern Time, US) on February 27, 2021 (Saturday) on Zoom.


Zoom meeting link will be emailed to members.


February 27, 2021 (Saturday) 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

2021228日(星期日)北京时间上午9:00 (中国)

February 28, 2021 (Sunday) 9:00 AM Perth (Australia - Western Australia)

The meeting will be a great opportunity for members to discuss the activities and functioning of the society, as well as to meet old friends and start new friendships in a pleasant social setting.

This year we will host a forum on knowledge on translation and outcomes by inviting world-renowned leaders in the field.

Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, Lee Quo Wei and Lee Yick Hoi Lun Professor of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineThe Chinese University of Hong Kong; Click here for Dr. Tuan's short biography.

Professor Steve Wilton, Director, Perron Institute and Murdoch University, Perth; Click here for Dr. Wilton's short biography.

In addition, we will hold a traditional Webster Jee Young Investigator Award Ceremony at the meeting to feature scientific accomplishments by our young ICMRS members.

The following is complete agenda for this meeting:

8:00 PM   Members check in for the zoom meeting (EST, USA)

8:05 PM   Welcome, Professor Ming Hao Zheng (Perth)

8:10 PM   President's Speech, Professor Ling Qin (Philadelphia)

8:20 PM   Webster Jee Young Investigator Awards Announcement

              Chaired by Professors Bin Li (Suzhou) and Gang Li  (Hong Kong)

8:20 PM       Liu, JT -  Age-associated callus senescent cells produce TGF beta1 that inhibits bone fracture healing in aged mice  (7min presentation and 3 min questions)

8:30 PM       Leilei Zhong - Transient expansion and myofibroblast conversion of marrow adipogenic lineage precursors (MALPs) mediate bone marrow repair after radiation

8:40 PM      Fei Fang -  Dynamic Transcriptional Profile of Gli1-lineage Enthesis Cells at Single-cell Resolution

8:50 PM    Wenzheng Wang - Contributions of Modeling- vs. Remodeling-based Bone Formation to an Anabolic Window upon Early Withdrawal from Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) and PTH related Peptide (PTHrP) Treatments

9:00 PM   Forum on Knowledge impact and translation to outcomes chaired by Professor Minghao Zheng

                 Professor Steve Wilton, Director, Perron Institute and Murdoch University, Perth

The  molecular drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

                 Professor Rocky S Tuan, Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President

                 Lee Quo Wei and Lee Yick Hoi Lun Professor of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-based Cartilage Tissue Engineering and microJoint Tissue Chip

                      (Plus: Regenerative Medicine in the New Normal)

10:30 PM  Discussion

11:00 PM  Meeting Conclude

I am looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!
Sincerely yours,

Minghao Zheng

President-Elect of ICMRS

Chair of 2021 ICMRS-ORS Membership Meeting

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