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2020 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting

  • 11 Sep 2020
  • 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Virtual Event
  • 80


  • Special price for members

Dear ICMRS Members and Friends:

I am pleased to invite you to attend the 2020 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting, which will be held virtually at 8 pm (Eastern Time, US) on September 11, 2020 (Friday) on Zoom.


Zoom meeting link will be emailed to members.


September 11, 2020 (Friday) 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

2020912日(星期六)北京时间上午8:00 (中国)

September 12, 2020 (Saturday) 8:00 AM Perth (Australia - Western Australia)

The meeting will be a great opportunity for members to discuss the activities and functioning of the society, as well as to meet old friends and start new friendships in a pleasant social setting.

This year we will host a forum on knowledge on translation and outcomes by inviting world-renowned leaders in the field.

In addition, we will hold a traditional Webster Jee Young Investigator Award Ceremony at the meeting to feature scientific accomplishments by our young ICMRS members.

Complete agenda is also available at our society website (http://www.icmrs.net).

I am looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!
Sincerely yours,

Minghao Zheng

President-Elect of ICMRS

Chair of 2020 ICMRS-ASBMR Membership Meeting

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